
【字體: 】      
集萃印花網(wǎng)  2013-11-26 12:52:00

In the year of 1996 I started compatible ink business in Taiwan. This is a young industry, at that time 2000liters of ink sales per month was called huge quantity. I was invited to start a plant in China in the year of 2003. Rapid growth comes after that, together with series of challenges. I always say that making good ink costs a lot. I tried to give colors to the world, but God took away the colors from my hair. While I love to stay in the lab, work ing together with engineers to produce premium products, bringing benefits to business partners and operating the company for sustainable development. I consider it great fun. Developing new kinds of ink that is suitable for new market demands, more resistant to climate change. Finding innovative methods to reduce defection in ink production. These initiatives are examples of how we integrate BCINKS value chain. We intend to bring BCINKS distributors closer to our business plans and decisions to serve them better. Our target is to grow in a responsible way. Look ing ahead, we are entering the next phase of implementing our social responsibility. Our focus have been and will be on improving our product performance and increasing our market share. An important element going forward will be to work more closely with our distributors in order to identify sustainable solutions together. A good example of this is developing customized ink formulations for specified print head and cartridge types. At BCINKS, we thirst for great. We never settle and always want to do better. I would like to invite you to share your views on how and where we can do better. Cheers, Andy Chen

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